Balluff Ultrasonic sensors

Balluff Ultrasonic sensors

The accurate all-rounder

Whether your application is position detection, distance measurement, or the detection of solid, powder, or liquid media: BUS ultrasonic sensors are precise all-rounders.

They measure fill levels, heights and sag without making contact as well as count and monitor the presence of objects. Regardless of the colour, transparency, and surface texture, they always perform really well. Fog, dust and impurities are also not a problem for them.

Their detection range is between 25 mm and 6 m, so larger object gaps are no problem. Their high resolution and small blind zones ensure top precision.

Ultrasound sensors from Balluff differ in their output signals. By means of a switching version and an analogue version, they are able to both reliably detect and count objects as well as determine distances with extreme precision. This guarantees a wide range of applications.

A further benefit: Our ultrasonic sensors have different output functions and can be used as NC or NO sensors.

The most important benefits

  • Contactless detection
  • Reliable in critical environmental conditions such as fog, dust and impurities
  • Irrespective of color, transparency, reflection properties and surface finish on the object
  • Precise recognition of even smaller objects
  • Rectangular and cylindrical heads allow for greater freedom of design

Product families

Compact sensors with UL approval and IO-Link interface

Our new BUS Q62K ul­tra­sound sen­sors have a com­pact PBT plas­tic hous­ing with a sur­face of 62 × 62 mm. They meet all UL re­quire­ments and stan­dards for the US and Canada. IO-Link vari­a­tions are avail­able.

The fea­tures

  • Com­pact hous­ing mea­sure­ments (62.2 mm x 62.2 mm x 36.7 mm)
  • PBT plas­tic hous­ing
  • IO-Link in­ter­face for sup­port­ing the new in­dus­trial stan­dard
  • 8 m lim­it­ing scan­ning range
  • UL listed in ac­cor­dance with Cana­dian and US Amer­i­can safety stan­dards
  • 1 Push/Pull Switch­ing out­put or 2 PNP switch­ing out­put
  • Ana­log out­put 4…20 mA and 0…10 V with au­to­matic switch­ing be­tween cur­rent and volt­age out­put
  • Pro­gram­ming via 2 but­tons
  • Two-color LED shows all op­er­a­tional states
Fill-level monitoring in silos

Highest precision for a variety of critical applications

R06K block-style ultrasound sensor

The small ul­tra­sonic sen­sors in a block-shaped hous­ing op­er­ate with high res­o­lu­tion, so that they pro­vide a high de­gree of ac­cu­racy. The di­ver­sity of their ver­sions with switch­ing out­put or cur­rent or volt­age ana­log out­put with five scan­ning ranges offer nearly end­less fields of ap­pli­ca­tion.

For very de­mand­ing mea­sure­ment tasks, the BUS R06K1..02/007 and BUS R06K1..02/015 sen­sors can be equipped with a sound guide. This lets you con­duct mea­sure­ments in holes and open­ings with di­am­e­ters greater than 5 mm.

Our BUS R06K1..02/015 sen­sor is es­pe­cially ap­pro­pri­ate for reg­is­ter­ing quick processes be­cause of its short re­sponse delay and high switch­ing fre­quency of 250 Hz.

The fea­tures

  • Very small ul­tra­sonic sen­sor
  • Op­tion for fo­cus­ing at­tach­ment for chal­leng­ing mea­sure­ment tasks
  • Ver­sions with 250 Hz switch­ing fre­quency
  • Five pulse widths with a mea­sure­ment range from 20 mm to 1 m
  • Switch­ing out­put in PNP or NPN con­fig­u­ra­tion
  • Ana­logue out­put 4…20 mA or 0…10 V
  • Teach-in via but­ton
Ultrasonic Sensors
Fill-level measurement in narrow containers

The smallest ultrasound sensor with M12 threads

Our ul­tra­sound sen­sors with switch­ing out­put have a hous­ing length of only 55 mm, and our ana­logue sen­sors mea­sure just 60 mm length. Thanks to a new tem­per­a­ture com­pen­sa­tion tech­nol­ogy, our sen­sors reach their best work­ing point 45 sec­onds after switch­ing on the op­er­at­ing volt­age.

The fea­tures

  • M12 hous­ing, 4 pole M12 plug con­nec­tion
  • Over­all length in­clud­ing plug only 55 mm
  • Two pulse widths, mea­sure­ment range 20…350 mm
  • Switch­ing out­put in PNP or NPN con­fig­u­ra­tion
  • Ana­log out­put 4…20 mA or 0…10 V
  • Teach-in via Pin 2

Robust optics for Balluff sensors and fibers

Our screens, lenses, de­flec­tion mir­rors, ob­ject lenses and fil­ters are suit­able for dif­fer­ent op­ti­cal and ul­tra­sound sen­sors and ap­pli­ca­tions. The com­pact and ro­bust op­tics are dis­tin­guished by easy in­stal­la­tion.

You can se­lect from dif­fer­ent size vari­ants and de­signs, such as plas­tic, alu­minum and stain­less steel.

The fea­tures

  • De­signed and tested for Bal­luff sen­sors
  • Var­i­ous lengths and di­am­e­ters with dif­fer­ent focus
  • Pre­ci­sion and ho­mo­ge­neous op­ti­cal prop­er­ties
  • High-qual­ity ma­te­ri­als and exact pro­cess­ing

Especially versatile and easy to service via the display

M30 tubular-style housing

Thanks to their dis­play, the ul­tra­sonic sen­sors of the BUS M30M se­ries with a metal hous­ing are par­tic­u­larly easy to op­er­ate. A com­plete nu­meric pre­set­ting of the sen­sor is pos­si­ble. You can choose to have all mea­sured val­ues dis­played in mm/cm or % dur­ing op­er­a­tion.

The sen­sor fam­ily in­cludes five ver­sions and, with a mea­sur­ing range from 30 mm to 8 m, cov­ers a wide range of ap­pli­ca­tions.All ver­sions are avail­able with the op­tion of one or two out­puts, a cur­rent and volt­age ana­log out­put, or as a com­bi­na­tion with switch­ing out­put and ana­log out­put, so that nearly ap­pli­ca­tion can be solved.

The sen­sors can be used in mul­ti­plex op­er­a­tion as au­to­mat­i­cally syn­chro­nized to pre­vent them from in­ter­fer­ing an­other.

The fea­tures

  • Dis­play with di­rect mea­sure­ment out­put and com­plete nu­mer­i­cal pre­set­ting avail­able
  • Au­to­matic syn­chro­niza­tion and mul­ti­plex op­er­a­tion for si­mul­ta­ne­ous op­er­a­tion of up to ten sen­sors
  • Five pulse widths with a mea­sure­ment range from 30 mm to 8 m
  • One or two switch­ing out­puts in PNP or NPN con­fig­u­ra­tion
  • Ana­log out­put 4…20 mA and 0…10 V, au­to­matic switch­ing be­tween cur­rent and volt­age out­put
  • Ana­log out­put plus switch­ing out­put for mea­sure­ment that is pro­por­tional to dis­tance with an ad­di­tional limit value
  • Sim­ple, menu-dri­ven com­mi­sion­ing via 2-but­ton Teach-in
  • Also avail­able in a stain­less steel hous­ing for even greater ro­bust­ness
M30 ultrasound sensor in tubular-style housing

Chemically resistant ultrasound sensors for use in up to 6 bar

M30E2 tubular-style housing ultrasound sensor

Our BUS R06K1..02/015 sen­sor is es­pe­cially ap­pro­pri­ate for reg­is­ter­ing quick processes be­cause of its short re­sponse delay and high switch­ing fre­quency of 250 Hz.

The pres­sure-tight in­stal­la­tion in a tank uses a 1″ threaded flange. Spe­cial soft­ware fil­ters en­able use in tanks that are filled from above or have an ag­i­ta­tor.


  • Stain­less steel hous­ing for use in the food in­dus­try
  • PTFE mem­brane for pro­tec­tion against ag­gres­sive media
  • Pres­sure rated to 6 bar pos­i­tive pres­sure
  • Process con­nec­tion G1
  • Mea­sure­ment range from 30 mm to 1.3 m op­er­at­ing range / 5 m range limit
  • Switch­ing out­puts in PNP con­fig­u­ra­tion
  • Ana­log out­put plus switch­ing out­put for mea­sure­ment that is pro­por­tional to dis­tance with an ad­di­tional limit value
  • Sim­ple sen­sor in­stal­la­tion
  • Con­tact-free mea­sure­ment of 30 mm to 1.3 m op­er­at­ing
  • Scan­ning width/5 m lim­it­ing scan­ning range
M30E2 tubular-style housing ultrasound sensors
Monitoring of packages

Universal use for distance measurement and position detection

Our small ul­tra­sonic sen­sors in a cuboid hous­ing op­er­ate with a par­tic­u­larly high res­o­lu­tion and thereby de­liver con­vinc­ing per­for­mance with ac­cu­racy.

For chal­leng­ing mea­sure­ment tasks, BUS R06K1..02/007 and BUS R06K1..02/015 can ad­di­tion­ally be equipped with a sound trans­mis­sion at­tach­ment. This makes mea­sure­ments in bore holes and open­ings hav­ing di­am­e­ters greater than 5 mm pos­si­ble.

The BUS R06K1..02/015 im­presses with a short delay time and high switch­ing fre­quency of 125 Hz. It is thus ide­ally suited for re­li­ably de­tect­ing fast processes.

The si­mul­ta­ne­ous op­er­a­tion of up to ten sen­sors in the tight­est of spaces is also pos­si­ble with our ul­tra­sonic sen­sors. This is be­cause the se­ries has a syn­chro­niza­tion input. The wide range of vari­ants with switch­ing out­put or with cur­rent or volt­age ana­log out­put in five op­er­at­ing scan­ning ranges make the sen­sor fam­ily suit­able for nearly lim­it­less ap­pli­ca­tions.

The fea­tures

  • High res­o­lu­tion, high ac­cu­racy
  • Mea­sur­ing range 20 mm…1 m
  • Si­mul­ta­ne­ous op­er­a­tion of up to ten sen­sors in the tight­est of spaces through syn­chro­niza­tion input
  • Five op­er­at­ing scan­ning ranges
  • Nearly lim­it­less ap­pli­ca­tions
Ultrasonic mini-sensors
Ultrasonic mini-sensors measure distances and detect positions quickly and reliably.

79 Ratio Agency